Saturday, September 17, 2011

facebook chat: clarification of "the fear of God"

"fear" is almost the same thing as "worship"

and whether you believe it or not...everyone right now is worshipping something

and you can find out by asking the question, "what do i spend my time on? what do i really really treasure? what will fulfill me? what motivates me?"

because you end up dedicating your time, money, talents to chase after ______ (and that becomes what you worship or fear)

so how do we get out of it?

well you don't get out of it because it's what we're designed to do

so if you think about it...for a lot of people, they actually fear: relationships, success, status, money, school, etc.

but the problem with all of that is...those are just temporary. they satisfy for just a little bit but end up disappointing us

but this is where Jesus comes in though...because He can actually do what everything promises and fails at. He can actually take our worship and make sense of everything else. It's when we trust him and actually believe in him to satisfy us...that's when things make sense.

everyone worships's just the object of your worship that determines what your life is about

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