Wednesday, August 31, 2011

FAQ: Help! I'm a new sunday school teacher and I have no clue what i'm doing!

First Day of Class: Congratulations, you have the honor of shepherding and equipping the souls of our youth. Please don’t take this responsibility lightly for we are judged accordingly. We have entrusted our youth to you so please be prepared, be spiritually ready, and expectant of God to move in your class. Also remember that your students have personally chosen your class so they are excited to be there. Here’s just a little bit of what I’d like for you to do on your first day:
1.       Introduce yourself

a.       Your profession, education, and place in life
b.      Your gospel story – why you’re doing this anyways?

2.       Pass out the “We want to know you” forms to every student & return them to Justin’s box in the office.

3.       Brief explanation of Sunday school
a.       Mainly for Christian education
b.      Designed to teach and equip in knowledge
c.       You get out as much as you put in.

4.       Introduce the class & pass out the syllabus
a.       Go through the schedule (also tell them class is from 11am – 12:20pm)
b.      Go through what they can expect for you & the class
c.       Go through what you expect from them.

5.       Teach lesson one (if it is on your syllabus)

Breakdown of class time:  We want you to maximize your time in class. Ok…we know that it’s not always going to be like this but here’s a good guide for you as teachers to follow. If you see the youth or their parents, let them know this is what we plan to accomplish in our Sunday school time.

5%          Prayer:

a.       Spend time praying for the students to understand more about Jesus through the class
b.      Spend time praying for the material that it might reveal Jesus or how it relates to Jesus
c.       Spend time praying for the teachers that they might teach more of Jesus.

60%        Education:

a.       Go through your given syllabus and curriculum

20%        Questions & Resources

a.       Allow students to ask relevant questions
b.      Each class provide resources for them to take home or for them to find

15%        Icebreakers/Games (if beneficial)

a.       Main purpose is to get the youth more comfortable with each other (building community)
b.      Object lesson that ties into the teaching

Important FAQs:

What if I can’t make one Sunday? You are currently paired up with other teachers, so make sure you look through your own calendar and see where you might possibly miss and have someone cover. If you cannot find someone to cover, please contact either Adam or Justin and we’ll take care of that for you.

What if a kid goes crazy? First, try to calm them down without causing too much of a scene. As another teacher to take them outside the classroom and see what the problem is. Follow up with their parents.

Where do I get more info about the youth group? All of core values, philosophy of ministry, and articles can be found online at

Where can I get supplies? Just let Adam or Justin know beforehand and we’ll make sure you’re all taken care of. If you want to bring your own, that’s all good too.

What must I do in each class? Teach your students. Take attendance (found in the church office). Have fun. Worship Jesus. 

What if I’m scared out of my mind? You gotta breathe friend…just prepare the best you can and then just teach it. The Holy Spirit is the only one who can make sense of what we teach anyways. It is only He who can change the hearts of the hearers. So practice, learn from other teachers, and rely solely on the power of the Holy Spirit.

Do we really need to give them a test? Personally, I think if they’re coming to Sunday school then yes…there needs to be some kind of evaluation of what they’re learning. It makes no sense to expect students just to attend because it “makes them good people”. Theology…that doesn’t even make any sense. But on the same line…don’t kill your students by over-pressuring them. Remember, they need to understand the material too…that’s your job, help them understand.

Any more advice? Why yes…thanks for asking. Help them understand that it is not enough to just know the material…but we want to get them to a place where they can teach it to someone else. It moves them from passive learners to active learners. As a teacher, figure out ways for them to understand and to apply this. Nobody says teaching is easy…but YOU are doing this because of the Gospel of Jesus Christ first and foremost. Secondly, you’re doing this because you want to be obedient to the biblical commands of equipping and training the saints. Thirdly, you honestly believe that you are called to commend the works from one generation to the next. Good luck teaches. 

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