James 2:16 and one of you says to them, "Go in peace, be warmed and filled," without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that?
Someone walks into your assembly (a member of the family no less) and there's something that stands out about them. Before you pick up your head to see who came in, you can kind of smell that there's a bit of funkiness that's wafting towards you. You're right - they're dirty. And by the looks of it, the dude doesn't look all that safe...probably hungry too. But that's not your problem. You don't owe him nothing. I mean, who knows...he could have deserved what happened to him. What if he made a series of bad choices...that's on him, not your fault. But wait...he's coming towards you.
You think, "Man, i didn't want this to happen. Why is there an empty spot next to me? I knew i should have sat somewhere else." But he comes any ways and he slouches down right next to you. He smiles and says, "Hi, you having a good day?" What do you say? You're really trying to hold your breathe from gagging. But you answer, "Yeah. i'm good." You exhale as you look away. But he doesn't stop talking. Doesn't he know that it's service? I'm pretty sure he's distracting everyone around us. I bet people are looking at the two of you now and thinks you're part of the problem too. You're nice though and you politely nod your head while looking down at your hands hoping that he'd shut up and let you worship.
Last song. Service ends. You made it. The goal is now to leave as fast as possible so the guy doesn't talk to you again. But before you can make your exit, he uncomfortably grabs your arm. Calloused hands. Probably dirty. You cringe. "Hey...can i borrow some cash for a cab ride home? or maybe some money for food?" You look concerned and you tap your pockets, "Sorry. Don't have anything for you." You lied. It's ok though...you probably saved him from buying booze or enabling him to do something sinful. "Sorry...buy i'll be praying for you though." As you leave you feel guilty for a second. But then, you said you'd pray for them and right then and there..."God, please be with that man." All is done...
...or is it?
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