Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Church Game

The Church Game

We've seen this game played out many times in the youth group. It's this warped sense of Christianity that is not true but because we never corrected it or because of straight up rebellion, it has become an unfortunate virus spreading through our churches. We like to call ourselves "Christians" but have we just deceived ourselves? Have we just turned this Christianity thing into a game? There are 7 elements to the church game...and if you're not paying attention, chances are you're already playing it.

John 10:10a "the thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy..."

Here are some tips if you want to play the church game:

1.                   Stay Shallow: Make sure to stay as shallow as possible in your faith. The less effort you put forth in growing the better. Why? Because growing takes too much work and besides, you have better things to do (like beating your friends in games). If you stay shallow, you don't need to have any responsibilities. You can just settle for how things are. And it's not that bad is it? Don't challenge's too hard. Plus sometimes it's just awkward right? And surely if you try to grow you'll make things awkward for yourself and others. But make sure you do some things so that you can seem like you have it all together. Just so people won't judge you. The biggest thing is that you make sure you're happy. Just do whatever you want. Things will work themselves out one day. I'm pretty sure you'll get into heaven if you just attend church. Actually...i bet you'll become healthy and wealthy at the same time.

2.                   Be an Island: Whatever you do, don't trust other people. Yes, they may seem like they care...but once you open up to them, they might betray you. Always assume the worst of people. That's why you should only be friends with a small group of people and not open yourself to others. Distance yourself from people. Or at least make sure they talk to you first. There's no need for you to go talk with them. Find people who are exactly like you so that they can always tell you that you're doing well. If anyone says anything negative about you drop 'em like its hot. You don't need that in your life. Besides, they probably have issues themselves too and who are they to judge you. Try not to share your soul with anyone. They might judge you and think you're a sinner. Do your own thing whenever you want to. What matters is that you do what you want to do when you want to do it. I'm sure everyone does that too right? Only be involved in things when it concerns you. But when it doesn' can do whatever you want. So make sure your cell phone is ready because when you get bored, you can play.
3.                   You're smarter: Always remember that you have all the answers. You don't need to study or learn after Elementary school because not only have you learned all the Sunday school lessons but because you already know how the world works. People should follow you on facebook and twitter because your opinions are golden. Make sure that you never apologize for whatever you say because you don't need to. You're always right and even if people think you're wrong...chances are that they are wrong or are jealous. don't need to study scripture or theology or's too hard. I mean, you have all these classes that you're taking and plus, it's boring. You don't get any school credit for it nor does it help your GPA. Don't worry about it. Leave it up to other people to deal with it. Ah...but when people try to teach you, make sure you give them your opinion on the matter. They are probably out of date and they probably don't have the same opinions that you have. Oooh, and make sure you don't ask questions - people will think you're dumb. Don't ask for help, you probably don't need it...i mean, i'm sure whatever you think is right.

4.                   Serve Yourself: Remember that you're the center of the universe. I mean the Bible does say that God loves you more than anything right? And his goal in life is to make you happy so he gives you everything so that you can be happy on earth. For God so loved you right? So make sure that whatever money you have...spend it on yourself. I mean, you earned it and why would you give up something you earned. Hold on to that and continue to get as much as you can. When it comes to time, need to do whatever fits your schedule. God created other people for you so make sure they're on your schedule. The most important thing is that you enjoy your life now and worry about the consequences later. Oh yeah, those talents you have...those are your talents. Make sure you use them well so that you can get ahead in life. All those other people are jealous of your talent so make sure you tell them about it. Being a leader means telling people what to do…it really doesn’t apply to you. Just make sure you command people to do what you don’t do. But also make sure you complain about serving if you do it. They need you and in reality, you sacrifice so much to give…why shouldn’t people honor you? You deserve it!


5.                   Submit to No One: Whatever you do, don't submit to anyone. You are your own person and you don't answer to anyone. Everyone is equal so nobody can tell you what to do or how to act. Even when people use the bible to talk to you about stuff...don't listen to them because they're probably using it to judge you and nobody should judge you. Accountability is over-rated. You probably know what's best for your own life so just do whatever you feel like. Everyone is always up in people's business anyway...they don't need to be up in yours. Besides, you don't need more people like your parents in your life telling you what to do and what not to do. They're too old to understand what your life is really about anyway. Don't trust them. They probably just tell you stuff because they don't want you to be happy. Also, you're not held accountable to anyone anyways. Those kids younger than you need to learn the hard way - on their own. That's how you learned. You didn't listen to nobody and look how you turned out. So make sure you don't teach them anything...don't mentor them. It's probably too hard anyways. I mean, they probably won't appreciate you like they should. Plus, it's always too hard to get a hold of them. And i mean, you have too much stuff to do anyways. You don't need that added stress in your life.

6.                   Keep it Secret: got saved, that's all that matters. Now that you're saved you're pretty much off the hook and you can do whatever you'd like to do. Don't worry about everyone else out there...the important thing is that you're saved. Those people out there are probably too messed up to be a don't worry about them. Besides, i'm sure you don't have the time to go talk to them about it, or i'm pretty sure it'll be crazy awkward. They might think you're a stalker or something. I mean, someone will do it right? It doesn't have to be you. You're too young anyway to make a difference. They probably wouldn't want to talk to you about it even if we went up to them. What would you even say? What if you get the facts wrong? What if you can't answer a question and they think Christianity is stupid? Yeah, you're right...the best thing is probably not to go tell people. I mean, it's not that important anyways. It's not like a requirement or anything. What matters is that you're you can do whatever you want.


7.                   Pray Occasionally: The only time you need to pray is really for meals or when you need God to do something for you. Outside of those things, you can probably handle it on your own. But make sure you know how to pray because when you are forced to can say some pretty big words to impress people of how spiritual you are. You don't need to pray all the time...just when you feel like it or remember. And if you do pray, make sure to pray only for yourself. Pray that God gives you good grades and makes you happy. Isn't it true that God is waiting to hear from you? Probably because He's lonely or bored. 

Unfortunately, this is the game we've played, are playing, or will play if we don't pay attention. The problem isn't that we're doing this or even think this way...the real problem is that we're missing out on something bigger and better. We sacrifice ultimate joy for what we believe is a better plan. In essence, we say "forget God's way...i know what's best." We play this game because we're prideful and selfish and in the end, we think we know better. And instead of humbly submitting our lives at the feet of Christ and asking him to lead us, we proudly stand on top of the cross and say, "Yeah...don't worry I got this." Is this you? Do you fall into this mentality or this kind of life?

Why do you settle for this Christian? Yes following Jesus is not as easy as we thought…but he’s worth it. But do you believe him? Do you trust him? May your eyes be opened and your hearts be transformed to see that this is nothing near what Christ has called us to. 

John 10:10b “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”

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