Thursday, February 09, 2012

Feb. 2012 Youth Praise: Recap

Feb. 2012 Youth Praise: Recap

Philippians 1:27  Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of you that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving side by side for the faith of the gospel 

1. Is your life consistent? Following Jesus doesn't restrict itself to only Sundays but it's everywhere you go and whatever you think. Notice something: our lives are already found in the Gospel of we want to live a manner of life worthy of it. The heart changes the actions...not the other way around. We want to encourage you to really think through this one...does what i say, how i act, and what i do really reflect what i believe about Jesus?

  • If yes, then how can you continue to grow and challenge yourself to grow even more? 
  • If no, where do you need to confess and repent? What are some areas that are inconsistent? If you feel like you're always struggling with this or if you need to talk with someone please click here:
2. Are you striving side by side? This journey of faith that we've been put on isn't meant to be traveled on alone. Yes, i know some of you are tough and awesome. Yes, i know that some of you have trust issues because someone has burnt you before. But...our faith is symbolized as a "family" and we are to live this out together. What does that mean? means that we think the best of each other instead of putting each other down. It means we actually do life with each other and we open ourselves up to each other as well. We talk with one another about how things are really going. It also means we look out for one another...1) to help them grow and 2) when they look like they're hurting themselves. What are some ways you can do this here?
  • Attend our weekly gatherings: ACCESS on Fridays, Church Service & Sunday School on Sundays. 
  • Come to DNOW, Java Jam, World Changers, and New York with us. To sign up or get more info click here:
  • Call each other up often and check up on them. Text someone you typically don't talk to. Pray with people when you see them. And be patient in doing this because this striving side-by-side takes a long time.
3. What the point? In the end, we want to live the best possible life there is. We learn from Scripture that this life is done best by first and foremost...following after Jesus for all things. Second, we see that it is done with others that have the same goal. Lastly, we do all of this because we believe the Gospel to be real and for us who have experienced its beauty and power...there's nothing else that will do. 

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