When it comes to media…most Christians are a bit confused as to what to do about it. Either they fly one way and go, “Alright…nothing at all. Too much sin out there so no movies, no tv., no internet, no nothing.” And they just stay away from culture all together and live under a rock the rest of their lives and think everyone else is sinful. And then the other side goes, “it’s alright...don’t need to worry about what I watch. I’m ok. Things don’t really affect me.” And for them, they have no censor at all about what they watch or read. If someone tries to tell them to “be careful” they take it as them trying to control them or ruining their joy. Let’s bring it back to the middle shall we? Also…can we finally remember that we’re Christians first and that’s how we ought to think rather than “this is what I want to do”? Please remember, you are a part of the culture so you need to know and be aware. Also, God has given the arts and technology to be “good things” that are to be redeemed. The question is…are you redeeming it?
So for the Christian and when it comes to technology and media, what are some guidelines?
1. Remember your identity: You have been bought with a price. You have been taken out of the darkness and brought into life. You used to live and gratify your flesh, but because of Jesus Christ you have a new heart which gives you a new mind. The Gospel is central to your being. You are free in Christ but remember your goal and source of joy is Him.
2. Ask, “Given my own past experiences and current struggles, is it wise for me to watch this movie, listen to this song, or read this book? This isn’t a question of what is wise and good for everyone, but what is wise and good for me. Don’t worry about what everyone else does or doesn’t do…this one is about you. The question is… “is it wise for me?”
3. Is this biblically sinful and would God call this evil? There’s no “well…maybe he would or maybe if you look at it like this” this one is pretty black and white. Does the bible lay this out as a sin? Don’t try to play games with the Bible and make it say something else. And if this is…then you got to ask yourself, “Do you find yourself enjoying and even cheering on what God would consider evil, wicked, and demonic?” If the answer is “yes” then stay away from this…maybe you have to repent from being caught up in it.
4. Will this movie, song, game, or book enrich my life in some way and lead me towards life with God, or will it diminish my life and lead me away from life with God? There’s a lot of things that really are neutral – meaning, it’s not sinful but Paul will say in 1 Cor. 10:23 “"All things are lawful," but not all things are helpful. "All things are lawful," but not all things build up.” Yes, there is freedom in Christ…but that doesn’t mean it’s always good to do it. Here’s some good things to think about:
a. Does it dominate my time if I do this?
b. Am I missing out on another opportunity to grow if I do this?
c. Am I neglecting other parts of my life by doing this?
d. Is there any redemptive/eternal value in me doing this?
Look, in the end we’re not here to kill your joy. However, we are here to keep you accountable for who you are in Christ and what you believe. No Christian has the right to say, “Nobody can tell me what to do!” That simply isn’t true. A true Christian has gladly submitted their life (including what they watch, read, and play) under the authority of Jesus. We’re just here to remind you of what Scripture talks about. So be wise in your technology and media. Be consistent in your biblical worldview, even when it comes to this area. Teach others to do the same…all to the Glory of God and to our joy!
Some Common Questions:
But shouldn’t I keep up with culture? Yes. Paul actively engages with culture and studies up on culture. However the difference is that Paul readily engages culture for a greater purpose – mainly that of evangelism. And that you must always have in mind. A lot of people just want to use this excuse to consume. Other times they see recent culture references as a good starting point of contact with others…however, the fault is that’s all it is. In the end, if it never gets to a teaching or sanctifying moment, all it becomes is “Hey, look at me and how up-to-date I am.”
Can’t I just do things “for fun”? Perhaps you think we’re out to destroy your joy…that’s not our purpose. We’re not here to tell you what to do and what not to do. In the end, you’re being influenced one way or another through media and technology. The point of those things is to elicit emotions that will, over time, shift your foundational beliefs if you’re not paying attention. So even if you just say, “oh well…it’s just a movie” or “it’s just a song”…you may be right but it’s doing something to you. But for you Christian, we’re commanded to actively engage things that come into our minds and hearts by our senses. Paul writes in Philippians 4:8. “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” This is an active thing.
How should I evaluate movies in the realm of evil?
• Does it depict evil in ways that maintain the integrity and truthfulness of the story?
• Does it discourage evil, elevating the good by revealing the nature and consequences of evil?
• Does it endorse evil, portraying it as normative and without consequences?
• Does it incite us to evil acts (i.e. pornography?) Do you root for evil to be done?
• Is the evil just “whatever”, unconnected to the story, unnecessary except to appeal to our baser instincts?
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