Getting the Most Out of Camp | Wisdom from the Experience
Intro | I figured if you’re reading this already, you’re a bit curious to find out what we have to say. Good! I like that. All I want to do is to share some wisdom with you from my past experience as a camper and all that I can offer as a counselor, organizer, and pastor. Ultimately, it’d be foolish to attend an event and “see what will happen.” So…here’s some advice for you so that you might be able to get the most out of camp.
The Prep Work | I know this is going to sound cliché for a lot of ya’ll but it’s true…if you really want to get the most out of camp, be prepared for it. Why is this so important? Well because you only get to go to camp once a year and so if you go without being prepared…you’ll just kinda wing it and go with the flow. Now that isn’t bad…but it isn’t the smartest either. So how do you prepare yourself?
Prepare physically. The last thing you want to do is be sick or injured before going to camp. Try not to exhaust your body too much before camp starts. Try to sleep early, eat fairly well (there are these green things in the world called veggies…try some), and don’t do anything that might get you injured (like ultimate danger danger, run with giant forks, or be a contestant on Fear Factor)
- Prepare Spiritually. The difference between church camp and any other camp is that there should be a different motive going. For these church camps, your ultimate (notice the word ultimate) goal is that YOU grow deeper. So the prep work might involve spending some time praying about different parts of camp. It could involve you settling some problems beforehand so that you’re not distracted at camp. It could mean setting goals for yourself to accomplish at camp.
Chit-Chat | You might think I’m crazy on this one…but a huge part of camp is talking. Whaaat? It’s true though. I know some of ya’ll are shy or you think that you’re better than other people so you don’t need to talk, but talking is a huge deal at camp. Now let me explain what I’m talking (haha) about.
- Openness & honest during small groups: A lot of times we like to sit back and allow everyone else in the group to talk. And maybe that’s because of a variety of things (pride, selfishness, shyness, etc) but have the mentality that community occurs in the context of relationships. There’s a time for you to listen to others, BUT there must be a time where YOU have to share your life, your story, and what God is doing/not doing to you. Share your personal struggles, your victories, what you doubt…and who cares if you think people look at you. It’s ok.
- Time to meet new people: Again, you don’t get these chances a lot in life and although we do camp every year…it’s only 1 week out of the year. And honesty, you don’t often see all these people…so take advantage of that. For you older kids, see camp as a time for yourself to grow BUT also see it as Eph. 4:12 and it is your mission field to train and equip the younger generation. All those kids younger than you…that should be your target to go, “Hey…I’m _______, I wanna tell you about what God has done in my life, what I’ve learned, and I’d like to teach you whatever I can.” And for you younger kids, it is a time to go find older mentors to ask questions to – ask them how they learned personally, ask them what some things to watch out for are.
One-on-ones: Take advantage of your 1-on-1 time. I know you think that playing is more important…but man, c’mon…you get to play all the other time. Again, it’s having the mindset that “I’m going to take advantage of this special opportunity at camp to GROW as much as I can” And one good way is during your one-on-one. Ok…now here’s something that nobody tells you. I’m going to give you all my advice coming from the counselor/pastors mind. Usually, the counselor is the one doing all the questioning and for the most part, you get into the same stuff. But if you really wanna take advantage of your time, ask him questions that you want to know. Challenge your counselor and pick their brains about everything. Again, find out what they did well and take notes and find out what they had trouble on and take notes. Listen to me…every single person has their own stories, so go find them out.
Sermon Time | As a speaker for many camps, I spent a lot…I mean, a lot of time prepping for my talks for camp. And come camp time, I’m friggin’ nervous! Not because youth scare me (although sometimes ya’ll do) but because I’m responsible for bringing the truth of God and all that it implies to your life. It’s like I have these awesome information that might (with the work of the Holy Spirit) change your life so of course I want you to hear it.
- Leave your pride at the door! Who cares what the guy/girl looks like?! Who cares if they speak in a funny accent?! The real reason why you focus on all these external things is because you truly don’t want to listen to him. Maybe because they’re “boring” or maybe because “it doesn’t speak to me”. C’mon…that’s all about you! Don’t focus on those things because it does you no good and it’ll ultimately rob you of growth.
- Look & listen for truth: Please please please bring your bibles and something to write with. There’s always truth to be found when anyone is talking. Take notes…see if you can find the main idea of the sermon. And then, when they’re done, figure out how that lesson applies to you. And here’s the big thing…always ask, “Ok self…how do I take this lesson/passage and teach it to someone else?” Because it’s not ok to just know it…but you must know how to teach it.
Final Thoughts | That’s why camp is a blessing man! Because you get the chance to hear all these different stories from all different people. That’s why you sell yourself short when you just hang around the same people all the time wanting to just play all the time. I’m not saying don’t play or don’t hang out with your friends…all I’m saying is go to camp with the right mentality – to grow.
If your goal is to just “get away” or to just “have fun” then I’m sorry, I think you could have saved your money and done that somewhere else. And in the end, you’ve wasted some valuable time and neglected some excellent resources. Please please please know that my heart is for your growth. So please think about these things. Know that I’m praying for you as you go to camp…hey! It’s really fun and it’s changed my life…but go in with the right heart, right attitude, and expect God to change you!
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