The Gospel: How about we finally understand that what is wrong with humanity is not due to moral failure but due to a heart that has failed to fully worship God? How about we stop trying to “fix” people and instead biblically love them and allow God to change their hearts? How about we accept all peoples into our youth group no matter what they look like or how they dress or what they do? How about we stop looking at others like “sinners” and instead view them as the prodigal that Jesus violently went out to look for? How about we get rid of this “us” verses “them” attitude? How about we continually fall at the feet of the cross and beckon people to come join us there instead of judging them for their “sinfulness”? How about we finally learn (or fight for an understanding) of what the gospel really is?
Ecclesiology: How about we encourage diversity and have people express the uniqueness of each characteristic? How about we follow the people God has called to lead us instead and trust in their judgments? What if no matter how large our youth group gets, we realize that life is done best in small, open, honest, real community? What if we constantly provide venues for our youth to develop and pursue their gifts in the name of Jesus? How about we commit to a biblical Christianity and sacrifice our comfort, preferences, and wants in order to see the gospel proclaimed? What if we’re committed to this even if it becomes hard? What if being a member actually comes with a commitment? What if becoming a member means you’re subjected to church discipline? What if you can’t just attend church and you have to get involved?
Theology: So how about we stop running programs without teaching about them first? How about we teach the bible no matter how uncomfortable it might make people? How about we unapologetically proclaim its messages? What if our youth and leaders can articulate their faith in a genuine matter instead of trite statements? What if we’re committed to solid theological teaching? What if we’re able to teach the youth all together regularly by a pastor so that they have a united thought and vision?
What if…we finally kill our pride and commit ourselves to pursing the joy of worshipping God? What if we finally stop playing church and start living out the best possible life Jesus called us to? What if our youth groups extends outside of the walls and begin to transform the people, places, and community around us? What if we heard of a need and corporately met it? What if once our youth group develops and runs well…we start placing them in other churches to help other groups? What if we start taking risks with our faith instead of staying protected and comfortable? WHAT IF WE WON’T STOP UNTIL WE SEE GOD MOVE? What if…? What if…?
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