Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Catalyst Review: Jonathan Merritt


Jonathan is a faith and culture writer who has published over 300 articles in respected outlets such as USA Today, The Christian Science Monitor, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, BeliefNet, Christianity Today, The Huffington Post, and CNN.com. He is author of Green Like God: Unlocking the Divine Plan for Our Planet (2010), which Publisher's Weekly called "a must-read for churchgoers," and the forthcoming A Faith of Our Own: Following Jesus Beyond the Culture Wars (April 2012). As a respected Christian voice, he has been interviewed by ABC World News, NPR, CNN, PBS, Fox News, The New York Times and The Washington Post. 

The New Shape of Christian Political Engagement

Intro: Liberty & Falwell

* Critque of Jerry Falwell's understanding of christianity and politics. 

What change is happening to politics?

History: 1950 respect of church and change of public policy "high tide of civil religion"; 1960 & 1970 the shock - civil rights, vietnam war, sexual revolution, hollywood, religiously treatening orthodoxy. First afteshock - preach on moral decline, moral majority, participate in politics...to take back America for Jesus. Second aftershock - evaluation of the relious right and left.  Young ppl leaving the church. Too involved in religous culture wars. Hemmoraging from the inside. Image problem by outsiders. Reasons - us vs. Them mentality.

There are some that stick to stay. These young christians are new in three ways. The older generation:

* Last generation was highly partisan. Tied religion and politics.
* Focused on a narrow agenda.
* They were also divisive.

This generation

* Independent
* Broad agenda
* Civil - partner and achieve with common ground issue.

The new shape is at this nexus. This generation has a desire to live their faith. Live out what we believe. To be courageous and humble.

Thoughts: it was clear that Merritt knew his stuff and was well-read. There was a point in the talk where he would rip off 5-6 book titles and proceed to quote them all. I personally appreciated his walk through the historical concept of how we got to where we're at. It seemed like he wanted to communicate that this generation of Christians are different than what its been in the past. And the approach of evangelism has shifted. He's right. It's the summary of "UnChristian" by Kinnaman and a flurry of emerging and anti-emerging church books. Everyone knows that things have shifted but the solution is different depending on who you talk to.  At the end of his talk, i was left with questions like: 
  • What does this look like?
  • Live like what? What do you mean by Christian?
  • Did he caricature a few opinions in order to make his case?
Things have changed in evangelical america. The methods of the religious right and liberal left are not adequate for our day in age. We need to balance holding on to truth but also understand the context in which we live. I would suggest the following books as resources:
  • "To Change the World" by Hunter
  • "The Gospel Commission" by Horton
  • "Living Christianly" by Morrow

Catalyst Review: Mark Batterson

Main Idea: A single prayer can change a generation and you are one prayer away from a different life. 

Mark Batterson: is an American pastor and author. Batterson serves as lead pastor of National Community Church in Washington, D.C. NCC was recognized as one of the Most Innovative and Most Influential Churches in America by Outreach Magazine in 2008. Batterson is also the author of the books In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day and Wild Goose Chase and blogs daily at www.evotional.com. Batterson's latest book The Circle Maker: Praying Circles Around Your Biggest Dreams and Greatest Fears was released in December 2011

Thoughts: It's been awhile since i've heard of a message about prayer and asking God to do things. I guess it's because of the people i listen to or just the pendulum swing from the health & wealth movement and the whole prayer of Jabez thing. Most of the message was in reference to his own book, "Circle Maker" and how in Acts 10 the interaction of Peter and Cornelius. It was a good message with a lot of grunts and "yes's" of affirmation from the crowd. I think for me it was a good reminder for a solid and consistent prayer life. I struggle with this because i tend to over-analyze everything and totally forget that it is the Spirit who can change the hearts of people. It was good to thinking through the question, "why don't i treat prayer this seriously?" Batterson suggested in his message (as well as his book) to draw circles around things we want God to change. He challenged the audience to take a map and just draw circles around it and watch God do things. It's a good principle. 

Quoteables: "When you pray regularly, God will do irregular things"; "If you have an argument with God and you win, you lose." 

More Thoughts: The principles given were definitely applicable but the tether to Scripture was kinda weak. He mentioned that from Acts 10, this is the first time that Gentiles were being prayed for and all of us today is a direct result from that prayer meeting. My first thought was, "wait...doesn't Jesus pray for non-Jews?" So ok, I got the principle and it definitely made me reevaluate my prayer life...but i would have wanted to see more scripture laid as the foundation. Another side note of pure picky-ness and perhaps warning for teachers: the whole time he was reading scripture from his notes while his bible was open on the stands. I don't know if this is way too picky but i just found that to be a bit odd. 

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Love "our" youth

As life and ministry continues to progress and develop, we tend to forget about the people we were supposed to minister to first. Here's a reminder for our leaders to love internally:

Romans 12:9  Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. Love our CBC youth by being honest with them. Open your lives to them. Correct and rebuke sin and encourage and work at growth. 

1 Corinthians 2:2  For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. Continue to teach (with words and actions) that the Gospel is real and life-changing to our CBC Youth

2 Corinthians 5:18  All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation; Equip our CBC youth to be ministers of reconciliation to their friends and family, neighbors and strangers. 

Galatians 6:10  So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith. Think & expect the best of our CBC youth. Let this be the first reaction to who they are not pessimism or worst-case scenarios

Ephesians 4:12  to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, Equip our CBC Youth to grow into maturity...not just the ones you like, but all of them.

Philippians 3:14  I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Put to death the elevated of self (pride & loathing) and move forward with humility and purpose...so that our CBC youth might receive your attention

Colossians 3:23  Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, Teach our CBC youth to work hard in whatever they do. Help them spend their time wisely...with eternity in mind. Do likewise.

1 Thessalonians 5:17  pray without ceasing, Pray for our CBC youth - for their growth, for opportunities for them to be sanctified, and for the Spirit to move in them. 

2 Thessalonians 3:10  For even when we were with you, we would give you this command: If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat. Teach our CBC youth the value and necessity of responsibility...not with harsh words, but words filled with hope and grace.

1 Timothy 3:1  The saying is trustworthy: If anyone aspires to the office of overseer, he desires a noble task. Encourage some of our CBC youth to pursue the office of elder/pastor

2 Timothy 4:2  preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching. Remember your responsibility to "preach the word" to our CBC youth. 

Titus 2:1  But as for you, teach what accords with sound doctrine. Continue to study and learn from Scripture and other wise men/women who also teach sound doctrine so you may teach our CBC youth the same. 

Philemon 1:18  If he has wronged you at all, or owes you anything, charge that to my account. Take the burden, responsibility, and even damage from our CBC youth and sacrifice self for their growth. Whatever you can do for their growth, do so. 

Leaders, this is your commitment, duty, service, and ultimately - joy. 
Minister well to our CBC youth as a priority. 
Minister to all of our CBC youth.
Let the Gospel be your foundation.
Let Christ's love be your anchor.
Let the Spirit's power be your fuel. 
Let glorification be your hope.