"We need a reformation in the church in terms of what is expected from ministers. The primary task of the minister is the preaching of the Word of God, the feeding of the flock. I tell young pastors that 90 percent of their time should be taken up with preaching and teaching. God has not called them to be psychological counselors or brilliant administrators. He has called them to preach the Word and feed the sheep. The pastor should be free to spend his time preaching and teaching, because what Christians need above all is to be nurtured in the Word of God."
This is what you should be expecting of me. You should hold me accountable for always studying...always learning. Because I must know God's Word in order to teach God's Word to you and to his sheep. Also, this is why I need you! It is why you are each given individual gifts (not to elevate them above others) so that we become one body. It is why you MUST learn how to work together and do so with the highest humility. The world does not understand this concept...nor do most churches, but we will work and labor towards this end. It is also why you must NEVER just sit there and wait around for someone else to do something. It is why you need to play your part well and plug in wherever you can. I will always study and prepare in order to equip and train you...you should hold me to that. However, we need each other...i need you as much as you need me.
Let that be our prayer dear friends.